Monday, July 2, 2012

Kindergarten, Anyone

Credits must be indicated here, but sorry
I did not know where I grabbed this.
The incoming school year marks a challenging teaching stint for me. From 5th Grade to Kindergarten. At first I was sad of the new assignment trying to reconcile the feelings of demotion to challenge. It was a reflecting moment as to where did I go wrong. All the while I thought that I raised the score of the infamous California Standardized Test (CST), or was it simply a racial act as he was white and I am brown. Mind-boggling but I am taking my strides, I reckon as a professional I am eager to learn the various developmental stages of the learning growth. Wow!...So here I am trying to better understand the challenge I am facing. 

Momentarily, I have downloaded the Common Core Standards. I am exposing myself on the Kindergarten curriculum. Trying to decipher it, I am more confused. With the Pre-K in the offing, I wonder what will be my teaching assignment. Doubling the dilemma, is the fact that my boss will no longer be in the same school. Will I really be in the Kindergarten this year, or I will still be in the same grade level, 5th Grade? Questions indeed stall my brain. I do not know what to do considering the circumstance that I am in. Could I call this as "administrative malpractice" among principals in assigning teachers?  or just like me, they are "victims of the circumstance". Whatever it is, I will charge it to the saying "The only permanent in this world is change." I am sure that I did not quote the apt saying, one thing sure, you know what I mean.

Kindergarten Playground @ Lincoln Elementary School.
As for now, I am resolved at understanding what is Kindergarten. The Kindergarten context at Lincoln Elementary is typically a whole group setting of more or less twenty (20) students taught from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM.  I do not have the slightest idea as to what will be the learning structure like. I know that it will be dependent on the students that I will have. At least, I have the Common Core Standards. With these as the backdrop, how will I set my classroom, and how will I plan my lessons. Whatever it will be, I believe I will put PLAY as the mantra of teaching, that it is why I am having this playground as the backdrop of my teaching stint this year....Am I right? What do you think?

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